My daughter Carlina just turned three and we are still struggling with potty training. She is doing great, I am the one with the issues. At the risk of sounding like a three year old...number one is going into the potty most of the time, it is number two that never seems to get there without a brief stop in the underpants first.
As I mentioned, I don't blame her for this deficiency, I have been a poor potty teacher. But when my friends sound shocked that Carlina isn't potty trained, they say, "Girls usually learn so much quicker than boys." I just say I know, I'm not sure why she is having trouble. I know what the problem is, mom and dad are lazy.
Over and over I have heard parents talk about how wonderful it is to get their kids potty trained...no more expensive diapers. And yes, I agree, diapers are expensive, but at the risk of sounding like a bad mom, diapers are convenient. I mean you can run errands and not worry about accidents in the car seat. There is no running to the bathroom every two hours. There is no guess work trying to figure out if the three glasses of apple juice she drank and hour and a half ago are just about to make a much more fragrant exit.
Then there is the mess. Cleaning a poopy diaper is no fun, but trying cleaning poopy underpants...way nastier!
Did you know that diapers have odor killing power? I never realized until I smelled some poop in underpants. It can knock you out! I think the absorbant padding must absorb the smell or something too.
One day when I was cleaning the second poop underpants of the day and it dawned on me, this is what my mother dealt with for my entire diaper era. She used cloth diapers. I felt an unbelieveable sympathy for her and any mom that takes on this kind of mess on a regular basis. I was never so thankful for Huggies in my life. I am all for recycling and reducing the amount of trash in landfills, but the only way I will ever get rid of my disposable diapers is if you pry them out of my cold dead hand. Maybe I could even start a campeign for more landfills for disposable diapers. My slogan could be Working mothers unite agaisnt cloth diapers. Ok maybe that is extreme but you get my point.
I know my daughter is ready for the potty. I know that life will be easier in the long run when she is completly potty trained. Right now we are just at a moment in time where the promise of the future does not look as good as the convenience of the past. I just try to take comfort in what every parenting book seems to say...they will learn in their own time, not in yours. My potty training lesson is that my daughter's quest to use the potty 100% of the time is not my battle, but it will be her success.
As I mentioned, I don't blame her for this deficiency, I have been a poor potty teacher. But when my friends sound shocked that Carlina isn't potty trained, they say, "Girls usually learn so much quicker than boys." I just say I know, I'm not sure why she is having trouble. I know what the problem is, mom and dad are lazy.
Over and over I have heard parents talk about how wonderful it is to get their kids potty trained...no more expensive diapers. And yes, I agree, diapers are expensive, but at the risk of sounding like a bad mom, diapers are convenient. I mean you can run errands and not worry about accidents in the car seat. There is no running to the bathroom every two hours. There is no guess work trying to figure out if the three glasses of apple juice she drank and hour and a half ago are just about to make a much more fragrant exit.
Then there is the mess. Cleaning a poopy diaper is no fun, but trying cleaning poopy underpants...way nastier!
Did you know that diapers have odor killing power? I never realized until I smelled some poop in underpants. It can knock you out! I think the absorbant padding must absorb the smell or something too.
One day when I was cleaning the second poop underpants of the day and it dawned on me, this is what my mother dealt with for my entire diaper era. She used cloth diapers. I felt an unbelieveable sympathy for her and any mom that takes on this kind of mess on a regular basis. I was never so thankful for Huggies in my life. I am all for recycling and reducing the amount of trash in landfills, but the only way I will ever get rid of my disposable diapers is if you pry them out of my cold dead hand. Maybe I could even start a campeign for more landfills for disposable diapers. My slogan could be Working mothers unite agaisnt cloth diapers. Ok maybe that is extreme but you get my point.
I know my daughter is ready for the potty. I know that life will be easier in the long run when she is completly potty trained. Right now we are just at a moment in time where the promise of the future does not look as good as the convenience of the past. I just try to take comfort in what every parenting book seems to say...they will learn in their own time, not in yours. My potty training lesson is that my daughter's quest to use the potty 100% of the time is not my battle, but it will be her success.
Something that worked great for my daughter was princess panties. She didn't mind that I had to clean up her mess, or that it made me sad or that she might not be a big girl, but when she pondered the idea of pooping on Princess Aurora, she never pooped in her panties again!