Yes, that is not a typo, I meant Manny. Dictionary.com doesn't have the same definition of Manny that I do. I just learned about it last week. A Manny is a male nanny. When I think of nanny, I picture Supernanny from the TV show. But that is not how I picture a Manny. My Manny would be cute, fantastic with the kids, and able to pick up dry cleaning, take my daughter to dance class, and have dinner ready by 5:30 p.m.
I found out about Mannies from my boss. She has a well-to-do friend that has a Manny at home, which of course means I can't afford one. Apparently, the term Manny was developed by NYC socialites as this blog describes http://julian1st.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/the-mannymale-nannies-the-rage-in-nyc/. It talks about having a Manny to be a male role-model for young boys. It sounds like it is getting easier and easier to do away with husbands all together. (not you honey...just other husbands :-) Just hire a role model!
I thought I was a hip mom to know about Mannies, even though I can't afford one. Clearly I am not. Check out this Post article about them in 2006! Here's the link. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/21/AR2006072101686.html
I guess I am on the cutting edge of the booming metropolis of Daytona Beach, FL. I'll be the first mom on my street to get depressed because she doesn't have a Manny. Boy do I feel good.
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